Monday, November 10, 2008

A Social Media tool for First Responders and Technology Developers


HomelandSecurityEngineering&Technology is a social media tool for First Responders and technology developers to collaborate. We use the broadest definition of First Responder, including:
  • EMS
  • Fire
  • Law Enforcement
  • Search & Rescue
  • Emergency Management
  • Explosives Experts
  • Hazardous Materials Experts
  • SWAT
  • and Transportation and other Security personnel
including state, local, federal and private sector personnel.

We realize that the day-to-day issues first responders encounter are not necessarily technology related. To quote one fire captain,
"Technology is a far-away thought in our department, as we have bigger fish to fry."

Nonetheless, there is the potential to aid first responders in doing their job faster, safer, and more efficiently by developing new technologies which are low cost and mass deployable. No technology or capability gap is too low-tech, no gap is too high-tech, to address.

objective is to link First Responders and public and private institutions with useful information to fulfill their homeland security technology needs and to provide open source market research data to research and development entities.

We have set up a LinkedIn Group
to solicit comments from First Responders and Technology and Security Professionals. We have also started a page on Google Sites called the KnowlegeBank which will be used to post content too detailed for a blog posting.

Please feel free to make comments and suggestions regarding this concept using the link below. We will begin publishing your questions, concerns, and feedback in the coming weeks. We understand there may be some issues with publishing information on specific technology gaps in a public forum and so will edit comments accordingly.

Thanks, and start posting comments or email us at

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